Something new is happening at the INK site every day.

Most notably, shoring has been completed finishing the exterior parkade walls and the large drill rig has been removed. However, the big rig has been replaced by its little brother rig.

This smaller drill rig is busy creating INK’s tiebacks. Tiebacks are horizontal steel rods up to 30 feet long that are drilled and cemented into place. The tiebacks are drilled under the surrounding streets and buildings and their job is to stabilize the parkade walls.

As the excavator continues to remove dirt the parkade is taking shape. The first level of parking (P1) has been cleared and 5000 cubic meters of earth have been trucked off-site. We will reach the bottom of the hole shortly and begin working our way back up.

Have you ever wondered where all that dirt goes? Well, it goes to a dirt sanctuary of course. A.K.A  it is dropped off at a local acreage in the South East.

If you are hungry for more construction updates follow our Facebook page for regular photos.

Stay tuned.


Battistella Developments